7 Dead Simple Ways to Grow Your Email List

With 59% of marketers planning to increase their spend on email marketing this year, it’s no wonder why the continual focus of growing a quality subscriber list is key to marketing success. Further, here are a few more stats as to why growing your email list should play an important role in your marketing efforts:

  • Email marketing yields an average 4,300% return on investment for businesses in the United States. (Direct Marketing Association)
  • Companies using email to nurture leads generate 50% more sales-ready leads and at 33% lower cost. And nurtured leads, on average, produce a 20% increase in sales opportunities compared to non-nurtured leads. (Hubspot)
  • 64% of decision makers read emails via mobile device. (EmailExpert)

Moreover, email is one of the most powerful ways to deliver valuable content, showcasing your expertise to help generate high-quality engagement from your target audience. In this blog post, I’ll highlight 7 dead simple ways to grow your email list:

Build Value with Great Content

Understanding the buyer’s journey is helpful such that you can create targeted content to address the buyer throughout their lifecycle stages. For instance, I recently provided a free marketing funnel that depicts the importance of knowing what the buyer’s intention is throughout their purchase journey and how marketers can accommodate appropriately.

Having valuable content means that you believe in getting your target customer 70% of the way down the funnel so that by the time they either get in touch with a sales rep or get to a payment page, they aren’t wondering how you can still help them. Rather, they’re more willing to provide you their contact information to learn more or even make a purchase.

Additionally, create an eBook, whitepaper, or guide to promote through email that enables your target audience to download in exchange for an email address.

Input a CTA on Your Facebook Business Page

Facebook CTA

Remember to leverage the CTA button on your Facebook Business Page that easily allows interested subscribers to sign up for your newsletter. To learn more about how you can add this CTA button, go to the Facebook help section.

Videos Marketing

Allow your target audience to preview videos that you create around a popular topic and encourage them to continue watching by simply providing their email address. This is a great way for you to better understand which type of video content resonates best and how often you should be publishing videos.

Run A Contest

Promote a giveaway of any hot products that are out there in the market and have interested participants enter their email address in order to be considered. Tie in this contest with a unique hashtag and cross-promote it via the various social media networks.

Guestblogging Is Alive and Well

Write on other influencers’ blogs and ensure you have a strong CTA that includes downloadable content relevant to the topic you are guestblogging about. Doing so will enable you to drive traffic to your website and capture more email addresses.

Co-Marketing Partnerships

I can’t say enough about the benefits of building co-marketing partnerships with companies and influencers who have a larger following than you do. This will help you quickly grow your own personal branding, but also position yourself as a thought leader and increase subscribers.


I’ve been obsessed with this tool recently and love that it really helps foster the curation aspect of a content strategy. This tool allows you to input a CTA on external websites, directing traffic back to your site.



Have more suggestions to add? Share them with me.

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