5 Daily Habits of Successful Marketers

Did you know that on average, 60% of a marketer’s time is devoted to digital marketing activities, fueling demand for a product and/or service? So, how can you keep up with it all? What’s a proper breakdown? In my experience, I have always stuck to the 80/20 rule (i.e. do 20% of the work that will get 80% of the results) – or at least that’s the goal, right?

Improving productivity and effectively executing marketing initiatives that yield a strong ROI is a constant priority for marketers. Whether you’re in charge of marketing for a startup or a small business, pushing for success can’t be done without these daily habits:

1) Establish Your Schedule

Successful marketers should be able to build a cohesive strategy and then align tactics for continuous execution. Having an actionable plan means that you have an established schedule with clear objectives of what needs to be done every day. Here’s a simple example:

  • 6:00am – 7:30am – Get in a quick workout and a hearty breakfast.
  • 7:30am – 8:00am – Get caught up on any outstanding emails.
  • 8:00am – 9:00am – Review weekly implementations.
  • 9:00am – 12:00pm – Schedule in meetings during this time – could be 1:1 meetings with team members, taking client calls or simple networking.
  • 12:00pm – 1:00pm – Take a lunch. (Psst. getting out of the office is a good thing).
  • 1:00pm – 4:00pm – Look at current campaigns, make changes and catch up on emails.
  • 4:00pm – 5:00pm – Read industry news and trends.
  • 5:00pm – 5:30pm – Meditate.

Take into account that things will change and you’ll have to adapt, so the thought that every day can be the same is unrealistic. However, having an established schedule will help keep you on track so that you limit distractions and get into the habit of sticking to a schedule that is conducive to being productive.

2) Keep an Eye on the Competition

Having a pulse on the type of content your competitors are publishing to any new product launches will help you identify gaps within your own company. Additionally, understanding the opportunities your competitors are not capitalizing on can open new revenue streams for your company too. Check out the following tools to help: Compete, Google Alerts, SEMRush, SpyFu, and BuzzSumo.

3) Never Stop Learning

Making sure you take time to learn about any new/current industry trends will help you discover new tools to explore all the way to implementations you can test out to make improvements. Additionally, understanding what industry influencers are doing and figuring out a way in which you can work with them to amplify demand generation or growth initiatives is always a good thing too.

4) Always Be Measuring

Intuitive and data-driven marketers are typically the best breed in my opinion. Not only are they steadfast in responding to data points that show if a campaign is working well or not, they also leverage their intuition to make decisions that are ‘what’s best for the business’. Know that identifying KPIs (key performance indicators) and isolated change variables will be crucial to the success of your executions too, so marry both quantitative and qualitative data points where applicable.

5) Take Time to Unplug

One thing I’ve recently started doing is spending anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes a day to just meditate. There’s something to be said for having time to calm and clear your cluttered mind.  Taking the time to just simply focus on mindfulness can go a long way in helping you deal with stress and anxiety. I recommend checking out the Calm app if you haven’t already to get started.

Share Your Two Cents

What are some habits you’ve seen work well for you as a marketer? Share your thoughts with me. I would love to try some of your recommendations too.

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