How to Get Shit Done for Modern Day Entrepreneurs

Proven Strategies for Entrepreneurs to Maximize Productivity

If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, there’s no way around it—you’ve got to get shit done. Those who truly make it don’t have more hours in their day than anyone else; they just know how to structure their time, set priorities, and keep moving forward. It’s not about waiting for the perfect opportunity, but taking control and executing relentlessly on the tasks that matter most.

In this post, I’ll dive into modern strategies that cut through the noise, eliminate distractions, and help you focus on executing at the highest level.

The goal? Help you get shit done every day and move your business forward with clarity and precision. Because I truly believe that it’s not about being ‘busy’ but all about maximizing the time you have when you do focus on making progress.

Let’s dive in…

The 90/90/1 Rule: Focus on What Matters Most

Let’s start with the 90/90/1 Rule—a simple yet powerful productivity strategy that can transform how you approach your day. This rule is all about dedicating the first 90 minutes of your workday to the most important task for the next 90 days. It’s designed to make sure that you focus your energy on the one thing that will move your business forward the most, day in and day out.

Why is this so effective? Because your first 90 minutes are often when you’re at your sharpest. According to research from Harvard Business Review, people who tackle their most critical tasks during their peak performance hours are 150% more productive than those who tackle them later in the day (HBR). This rule is all about deep work—working without distractions on a high-priority task that demands your full focus.

Don’t overcomplicate it: set your biggest goal, break it down into manageable chunks, and attack it head-on first thing each morning.

The 5/25 Rule: Narrow Down Your Focus

One of the most common reasons entrepreneurs struggle to get shit done is because they’re trying to do everything. The reality is that true success comes from focusing on a few critical priorities—not from juggling dozens of to-dos.

This is where Warren Buffett’s 5/25 Rule comes into play. It’s simple:

  1. Write down 25 goals you want to accomplish.
  2. Circle the top 5 that are the most important.
  3. Ignore the other 20 entirely.

The idea here is to eliminate distractions and focus intensely on the top five things that will drive the most results. Many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of thinking that more is better, but narrowing your focus can actually be the key to unlocking major growth. As research from McKinsey shows, individuals who focus on fewer, high-priority tasks experience a 23% increase in efficiency (McKinsey). This rule is a game-changer for anyone who feels overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list.

Time Blocking: Structure Your Day for Success

It’s easy to feel like you’re constantly busy but never actually productive. One of the best ways to fight this feeling is through time blocking. Time blocking involves scheduling specific chunks of time throughout your day for specific tasks, helping you stay focused and preventing distractions.

Here’s how to make time blocking work for you:

  • Block out your most important tasks: Assign dedicated time slots for your critical priorities. For example, schedule time for content creation, client meetings, or business development. Stick to these blocks, and don’t allow interruptions.
  • Batch similar tasks together: Group related tasks—like emails, meetings, or admin work—into the same block of time. This reduces context-switching and keeps your focus sharp.

A Stanford study found that people who structure their time with blocks are 35% more efficient than those who don’t. The key is consistency—schedule your time in blocks daily, and watch how much more you’re able to accomplish.

The 2-Minute Rule: Knock Out Small Tasks Instantly

Another effective strategy for getting shit done is the 2-Minute Rule, which states: if a task will take you two minutes or less, do it immediately. This rule helps prevent the buildup of small, nagging tasks that can clutter your day and drain your mental energy.

Think of it like this: how many times have you put off answering a quick email or filing an expense, only to find yourself stressed about a growing list of minor tasks? By knocking them out as soon as they come up, you free up space for bigger, more important tasks.

According to productivity expert David Allen, small tasks can create mental clutter and decrease focus if left unattended. By clearing these tasks quickly, you prevent them from becoming distractions later in the day.

Automate and Delegate: Free Up Your Time

Automation and delegation aren’t just for large corporations—every entrepreneur should leverage them. As a business owner, your time is precious, and if you’re spending hours on routine, low-level tasks, you’re wasting valuable energy that could be spent on high-impact work.

Here’s how to implement automation and delegation effectively:

  • Automation: Use tools like Zapier or Integromat to automate repetitive tasks like social media scheduling, client follow-ups, and reporting. A study by McKinsey reports that 45% of work activities can be automated, leading to massive productivity gains (McKinsey).
  • Delegation: If you’re handling tasks that someone else can do just as well, delegate them. Whether it’s hiring a virtual assistant for admin work or outsourcing graphic design, delegation frees up time for strategic tasks.

The key here is to focus on the 20% of tasks that drive 80% of your results, commonly known as the Pareto Principle. Automate or delegate the rest.

Wrapping It Up: Get Shit Done, Every Day

In today’s fast-paced entrepreneurial world, getting shit done isn’t just a mantra—it’s a necessity. The most successful entrepreneurs aren’t waiting for the perfect moment or opportunity to strike. They’re creating opportunities by focusing on the tasks that truly matter, managing their time effectively, and eliminating distractions.

By implementing the 90/90/1 Rule, 5/25 Rule, time blocking, and automation into your daily routine, you’ll gain the clarity and focus needed to make meaningful progress. Remember, the key to success is execution—not just planning or thinking about what needs to be done. It’s about taking action, staying consistent, and continually optimizing your approach.

Get clear on your priorities, block out distractions, and start taking massive action today. The future of your business depends on how well you can execute in the present. Now, go get shit done.

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